The other day i was priviliged to watch some guy drop to his knees in awe of me at the local Comic book store. While I am perusing the shelves for my favorite comic book, the clerk ( dumpy white dude, mid thirties in a dingy plaid shirt) asks me did I need some assistance. I kindly declined and kept lookin'. To which some umm ungodly grimy looking guys says," What did your man send you in here for, hunny?" He very easily could have been wolverine, for real.
At this point, I'm looking around to see who he's talking to, cuz I KNOW i don't look lost. So he repeats himself, to which i respond, I'm looking for the latest set of Hunter Killer from Image. He laughed at me and said my boyfriend had no taste in comic books.
Now, those of you that no me (yet still don't bother to comment, and you wonder why the last blog got deleted) think that i would:
A. Rip this guy a new ass.
B. Slap this ho.
C. grin and walk away
D. Regale him with my knowledge of comic history
Well...it was
C, i told you he looked like wolverine. But I wound up talking to the grody dude at the register, because he said i really did look out of place in my form fitting Sisley suit, hair in a knot , flawless MAC makeup , Jimmy Choo pumps and a hand full of comic books.
So i break it down for him, how I game, RPG, LOVE ANIME, collect comics and have a 2nd degree black belt in ShoRenRyu. By the time our conversation wrapped up, the store full of cynical nerds were sitting around like storytime in preschool. One of these guys is just googly eyed to the point where i'm no longer comfy, so as I take my leave to my uber cute convertible, they migrate with me, waving and shit.
eek. Well, just sharing my queen of the nerds day. Come to find out, that I'm the girl that all of my gamer friends looked over for the trollups, until i get married. Because as I share this story with them, they are all confessing years worth of crushes on me. Who knew, the niggas that roll up in my house lookin any kinda way , talking about skanks around me like I could possibly get a run at them, even knew that I was a girl. Other than my handle of course, "Princess".