
Could this be called when people attack?
Apparently this man was so drunk that he figured he could bite a Panda ( that was apparently minding its own business in the zoo, twirpin on bamboo), for biting him in the first place. I mean, damn, who is the panda for biting this man that just wants to pet him, right?! See here in lies the problems with public drunken disorderliness. I have to go out on a limb and say this dood was on crank, not booze. I've been drunk many a times and I've never been tempted to pet a wild animal in the zoo. Frankly the fact that he was drunk and in the zoo is mind boggling? Who took this idiot's ticket? Didn't they smell it on 'em. No. You wanna know why? Cuz he was high, not drunk. The damn chinese government always trying to spin shit to make them look pristine.
Ted Turner FOR President
Ted Turner is the muthafuckin' man. No wonder he's a millionaire du jour!
Read the article above. He says," 'Men should be barred from public office'
One way to reduce such dangers in the world would be to leave women in charge, said the former husband of Jane Fonda.
"Men should be barred from public office for 100 years in every part of the world. ... It would be a much kinder, gentler, more intelligently run world. The men have had millions of years where we've been running things. We've screwed it up hopelessly. Let's give it to the women."
Commen sense in a man makes me horny. Not that women would do it any better, but at least he admits that shits amiss in war/politics today. Perhaps women would get it done differently and with a lot more class, but remember Marie Antoinette was a sadistic bitch in charge back in the day. I'm sure her love of torturing her handmaidens didn't do much to endear her to her public either.
Chavez needs to sit the fuck down
Umm Who goes around calling their co-workers devils? The newly unemployed, that's who. If I was a a citizen of Venezuela I think it'd be time for yet another coup for 2006. I mean I don't want anyone that feels it's ok to call the US president (no matter how fucking crazy he is) lucifer, the prince of darkness. It doesn't sit well for disaster relief. I mean think about if the Tsunami victim's HNIC started callin Bush a devil, they'd be fucked for real. We wouldn't send a dime over there. You know they don't have no oil!
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