Pirates are awesome staples in history. They are the quintessential bad-asses. They boat jacked people, think about that. Imagine yourself out to sea, right (close your eyes, dumbass ok open them so you can read this stupid). OK, so the boat is swaying, there's no land in sight, the sun is out and your crew mates are around you just stankin, spittin,drankin and cussin' (aka chillin') right...when all of a hoo you spot a boat flying no colors headin' in your direction.
This scenario is gully for a ton of reasons, namely that you see these bastards coming hours off. It's not like modern day pirates (and I swear they still exist), where a motor is attached to their ship, nah it's thirty bastards oaring hard as hell to get you got. Their sole focus is to kill and plunder your boat. And to be real honest with you, they are prolly gonna get you since they took the time to track you.
So back what we were doing...So you see them coming a few ways off and immediately your boys start preparing for a brawl.
Reason number two why this is all extra gully...it's not like you are unarmed either, so they are ready to bang. Remember I didn't say you were a mormon, although I must admit that would be a pretty kick ass porno, BANG SHIP: The BOARDING (it would feature Nigga Know's favorite pornstar, Kobe Tai and Mine, Mr. Marcus, but anyhoo) nor did I say you were just gonna sit there and be slain without a fight. No, they EXPECT they will be wounded, I mean damn most rogue captain are missin an arm and a leg any fuckin' way.
So, they come with the real and mosey this big ass ship next to yours and commence to hopping over rails and shit to get your booty (loot, fags. Ya'll nasty). So your dudes are fighting like it's do or die against these pirates, right?! And you all just happened to lose (hmmm..the odds were against you anyway. You should have been a pirate). The pirates hoist yo dead ass overboard and split up so the chief pirate that lost a leg in this battle can take your ship and keep it moving to the next episode.... Puff Daddy needs to be boat jacked.
Ok, I got waaaayyy too much free time today. I'm going to go read a book. Peace out.
I've always wondered about that whole 'you can see them coming from a mile off' thing. Doh!
i know, I really don't feel inclined nor obligated to fight someone that I see coming at me with their weapons drawn a mile off. As a matter of fact and principle, I'm haulin ass.
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