Shit like this has me about ready to turn off my internet service.
Why oh why has the press just announced that Lance is gay? Hell we knew that when we first saw his sugary ass in N Sync. I think half of those dudes are gay as hell. Who does he think he fooled? I liked their music and I still do ( shut up!) But seriously, this guy set my GAYdar off to the point he might have just been invisible in the videos. The minute level of testeosterone that's in his blood system was like not enough for me to give him a first glance. It's kinda like Ellen coming out of the closet? Who didn't know she was a dyke? She's way more masculine than Lance? Is this really late breaking? Or is the press just late? I'll tellyou who shocked the shit out of me, Portia DeRossi. Now that was late breakin!
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