Getting on my Bad Side...
I hate getting angry, it is so unsmooth. Worse yet, I hate when chicks make you angry cuz it makes you look pissy and that's not good, especially really troll/orgre looking ones. Which brings me to my point.
Umm, I have a co-worker that is so far beyond annoying that she's blog worthy. Ok, picture this: A fifty-ish looking woman from the marines that thinks she's a thug and quite often goes around all slouchy shoulders and shit sing TuPac Shakur. She's a Sr DBA but thinks her Sr. Title ( in our firm) gives her some clout. Ho sit down. It does no such thang, andall it makes you look like it a moron trying to be over people. NOT HOT. You either are someone's manager or you aren't.
Sad ain't it. She drives a mini van that smells like hot old piss in the winter and like old toilet air in the summer. (no exageration there) smh. She's been working my nerves for quite sometimes now, but me and this ole broad is on the out, for real. And this shenanigans starts with some ole corporate softball bullshit. I knew I shouldn't have signed up for in the first goddamnned place.
My team decided that despite signing up for some ole voluntary shit, that they weren't showing up for games, practices or nothing else. Umm voluntary is the key word there, no one strung them up to make them play, though we
should after my $70.00 baseball glove purchase. I have slackers, I'm too competitive for the silly shit they're pullin and her half asses method of wrangling them in. But whatever. So anyway Mrs. Shakur decided that she wants to be on my bad side after a series of childish emails. But there are a few things that she can't know about my bad side.
1.The sun never ever shines there. Nothing is alive, not shrooms, not rats or roaches, I'm mean nothing. She'll die. I mean like wither up and kill over.
2. She's not cool enough to be missed. There's nothing cool about Mrs. Tupac other than she occasionally buys lunch. She's a DBA with a penchant for dressing terribly and being an utter loud mouth. Missing her is like missing a tooth that caused you nagging agony at 3AM on a sunday night, when you have to get up early in the A.M. You tend not to miss it very much at all.
3. You can never return from the bad side of things. Ever. It's like the sink hole of all sinkholes. People have likened it to the Bermuda triangle. El Cupachabra has a suite there and eats other guests. It's not pleasant.
Well, she's there now, send her well wishes cuz that's all she's gonna get ole flat footed man lookin' monster. GOtta bounce, figuring out father's day gifts.
50 points if anyone can guess who I'm talking about.
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