Rent Anywhere but Enterprise and State farm is not a Good neighbor
I'm not in the best mood, and let's face it, I haven't had sex in 5 months (since my honeymoon). So believe me when I say I don't have tolerance for too much bullshit, it's for your own benefit. You could catch it. So, Thursday some jackass runs me off the road and into a median. Miraculously for him and me, god gave him the good sense to run, because I was really about to rip his skin off X-Men style. Me and Veronica were stranded yet again to fend for ourselves in homeless territory, and right then the terror alert in the US should have went up two notches, cuz I was heated. Once again I am the only female in the entire universe to get into accidents all by herself. So what do I do first, but call Wendy Lueng , my state farm agent. ( a bit of history first) Wendy is an Asian chick that has a staff of Asian chicks that speak as much English as the Asian chicks in the nail shop, not much. Which is fine when you never have to speak to them, but annoying as hell when you're sitting in 99 degree shade and your car is leaking oil. So I ask her answer-the-phone girl to speak with Wendy. "She's on the phone, call back." I think a blood vessel sprang loose in my brain somewhere.
"Can you tell her its (insert my government name here) and I've been in an accident?" Then in her quasi English, she's like," please hold." HUH?
Bitch please, not only did you just tell me to hold during a car accident, you are using up my muthafucking daytime minutes. This shit does not happen to the good white folk in those dayum commercials, their agent comes out to their ass when their stranded on a mountain in Jersusalem in the winter with champagne and crumpets to change their fucking tires, and mine is tellin' my ass to hold...note to self, "cancel this shit upon resolution of claim". So any hoo I eventually have to just hang up and deal with the cops. He was cool, especially since the rest of the cops downtown were radioing his ass for help at a shoot out. I was a bit concerned that he just didn't leave, I mean if I called for back up and it was my life and an accident report I'd be smidge on the mad side if you finished writing a report. I'm just saying. So anyhoo, I called my mom, cuz I think I got a concussion somewhere in the middle of all of this, and was like can you come get me ( she was in town and I'm less than three blocks from the loft). She's like "no, I'm talking to my man." click. I should have just broke down there, but I was still trying to make class, ya'll. So Whipped out my trusty tire changing gloves, and commenced to change my tire in rush hour traffic.
Fast forward to ENTERPRISE on Courtland Street, downtown Atlanta (in case you need to know exactly which location to avoid).
I get picked up and made it to the place in a timely fashion at about 6:30P. Being that I've rented from this same location at least eight times in the last two years you think this would have gone smoothly. HELL NO. First and foremost, there is nothing at Enterprise to compensate you for a Audi TT. Nothing. So i start filling out their information sheet. It asks for your place of work and two references. HUH? I put down two and she's like that spouse thing ain't happening. So I put down another number. She starts calling these people at 6:30, including my job. NO ONE IS AT THE OFFICE AFTER 5:30, HO? What are you doing? Please don't try to rent from these dumbasses and keep your business on the low, because she commences to call my friends to say " (Blank)put you down as a reference." My jaw dropped to the fucking floor. I saw three white people come in there and just sign some shit and walk off with keys. No one went through what I went through. You'd think because they plopped down a card that could be maxed out they would have to undergo the same thing. I on the other hand hand them over my bank account card and have to endure a nightmare. Well, never again, but it ain't over. They were like, you can have a Grand AM or a Nissan Sentra. Both of these cars handle like some amusement park shit. Whatever, it's just to get to school, cuz I can't be caught dead in one of these things anywhere else. You can't valet a sentra! Then, since it took all of 45 minutes to get this rolling piece of shit, it was filthy! It smelled like ass and there was sticky shit all over the place, it was dusty as hell AND it had the nerves to be on E. So i called this morning and told them this shit was gross I need a new car first thing in the morning. So driving in I likes to died three time trying to merge this big ass go cart, it drove like it was powered by six double A batteries.
Well I'm through ranting. My places to boycott in the A are as follows:
State Farm - specifically Wendy Lueng's locale
Enterprise - Courtland Avenue location
NTB - North Druid Hills (seriously, the service there is hazardous to your car, and the manager and district manager are idiots.)
ANY Parking Garage ran by Gardner Property Management ( Joe Gardner is a crook and a pirate)
Ok, gone to finifh brooding.
Damn. That's crazy. The two times I've rented cars, I used the Avis on Courtland. They're pretty cool over there.
LOL at the Sentra reference.
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