My rant for
tuhday is regarding eldercare and my shiftless ass friends.
I got so much beef for everything i do and don't do. Not that I care if people think me getting zero sleep and no personal time counts for anything, but occasionally my friends should sit back , examine their personal time ratio to mine, and go damn, " She must really like me to take that five minutes to check on me." Cuz I don't
EVER get alone time, and no one ever checks on my sanity. I take care of my dad with alzheimers, so it's a given he doesn't remember or appreciate the stuff I do for him. Thankless job? Yes. Trade it in for millions? No.
I work a full day, go to school from 6-9, get home to him, only to cook, clean and get scowled at. Then my friends (who take care of themselves and are all single with no kids) want me to go out and club in lieu of studying the few hours I can stay cognizantly awake. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a teenager, and i've never been one to be peer pressured into anything, but it takes notches off my happy factor when folks try to bully you to go out. I think they feel exempt from my hammer, but it only take one example and folks will STFU.
Well gotta bounce, that's all I"m writing because for all the whining about me destroying my old blog, noe one has bothered to comment yet. Not saying I need a pat on the back, but it'd be nice to know I'm not just blogging to the great wide empty
My mom is in town and using my laptop to go car shopping, so I've been pron free for almost four days. My hoo hah is twitching.
You sound like you have some pent up anger issues here... I have a hug for you next time I see you.
And for the record, you can't post a stupid comment without signing up for a blog on this site. A person didn't have to do all of that on the last blog you had. It doesn't make it impossible to post, just enough of a pain in the ass where you don't do it unless you have the time.
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