Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Takin Up My Old Hobbies

Has anyone out there ever been stalked? I mean like truly stalked, a la lifetime channel? Well I have. That shit is for the damned birds, cuz folks are crazier than the Pee Wee Herman show. Insane. Back in the day, when I first moved to the ATL, I was attracting the nuttiest bunch of dudes ever. They were normal to upscale guys too, but it was something about me that was making them go batty to the point they had me taking a different route home on a daily basis. Crazy thing about it, it's kinda how I met one of my best friends T.O. and her ex-hubby. Well, if anyone knows me, they know my head is either in a book or on a handheld gaming system. No deviation ever. So when I ran into this producer staying at a hotel down the street from me, there was no chance of avoidance because I didn't see his ass coming. He's infatuated upon the first thing that came out my mouth and though it wa nothing that I did (honestly) he starts trying to "run into" me everyday at the same time. So at first it was cute, but then one night I was walking the dog at like 11:30P and he was "hangin' out" in front of my loft. I noticed, kept going and gratefully ran into BIG ASS WESLEY and MAX, his boxer. They escorted me home that night and for maybe a week and some change til el loco took off for good. Well turns out he's a somewhat famous guy having produced a couple big hits and I had a car bashing incident and his ass fell so deeply in love he decided i was to be his armpiece all over the ATL. Well, bad part about that is all the industry hoes wiling to ride or die to be in my spot. So I let them. No fight there, but this dude thinks he's at Burger King, and begins poppin' up at all times of nights, bring celeb company like i'm impressed by that shit ( No, nigga, you can't have it your way). So a few times I ignored him even though I knew he could hear me chillin in the loft. I was like I have no intention of dealing with his shit. THe stalking eventually had to stop once he went on tour, but he sent a million flowers and gifts to annoy me in his absence. Just sharing people Many more stories, but i'm at work. You gets no more. Peace out!


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