The first one is most important, cuz that's just how lists work...
My bad to everyone that made comments. I love em like Bobby Brown like Superhead! Soo when I say I didn't know I had to moderate my comments please don't think I'm a dipshit, cuz I really ain't. Keep em coming.
2 ( another apology to folks, cuz umm...well just accept them they don't come often, bitches): I am in the process of relocating so I haven't been bloggin like I should. Rest assured that that will change as of three ...two...one..done.
3 ( probably the real source of my recent unpopularity off the web) I am putting down the 360 controller and burying my copy of Oblivion( but not GRAW). Please stop shunning me Don, I love you.
Part 1 : Football Season.
I need to start filming a new documentary called muthafuckin' men gone muthafuckin wild. I'm sure I don't have to tell you all the football season has decscended on the planet and NOTHING is getting done during monday nights and sundays. nothing. Ain't no grass getting mowed, ain't no shelves gettin' hung and gargabe ain't going nowhere. This is fuckin' ridiculous. The fellas at the office are openly betting on games, having fantasy football meetings in the boardroom WITH senior managment presiding and hotwings are getting passed around like intoeroffice memos at like 10:30 in the morning. Come on now, this is just nuts. It's almost as bad as the "24" rundowns about ole unbelivable ass Jack Bauer kickin the habit in 24 hours. This shit has got to stop. I was in the middle of fitness boot camp sunday( i told you all I'm hot) when at 1:15 the instructor just walks off the field. Stunned us chicks were like, " where you going?"
He said," Home. I gotta take a shit befor kick-off." Done.
Part 2. 360 is SATAN'S ultimate tool against humanity
Before i get to dissing football too much, just let me say, I have my own crack addiction, and big phil is the pusher. I can't stop playing Oblivion and Ghost Recon. Seriously. I have my daddy eating hotdogs and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches so I can get the full six hours in. 3 on GRAW and 3 on Elder Scrolls. I don't go out anymore cause I have to do more important shit to do, like save the mexcican president and levelin' up my High Elf. I can't be concerned with shit like cookin' and passin' out medication. Besides Insulin is overated, my elf can concoct a potion for that with some primrose and ogre's teeth and should my dad actually pass out I got three bad ass rangers that can patch him up under fire and under thirty seconds in the field with a ink pen. Though for a while I had stopped bathing and eating, I figured out a way to do both while playing, so I've actually put back on the much needed weight. But to add fuel to my time managemtn problem, big Phil decided to send me an extra controller, 2 rechargers for said controllers and a brand new copy of Quake. Clearly he has no interest in bedding me, because I don't know when I'll actually have time to fuck.
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