Guilty as Charged

All Relaxers are not Created Equal
On a personal note, since I have no one to share this with other than big phil, I'm going to share this with my net family. I had to concede and let someone relax my locks recently. I am still sensitive from the greasy rundown that was my head when I left this little shop of horrors. I should have went running when I saw that I was the ONLY patron in the whole place AND this lady was locking up after I left, HOSTEL style. I just knew I was going to wake up sans a kidney in a tub of cold water.
What went down was considerably worse though. We went through the obligatory stylist to customer talk, such as what products do you use in your head, etc. I said Phyto Specific and she was like , Who is Feeto, I ain't neva heard of that... Chance number two to bounce. When I I tell you all I could have did this in the bath tub and the results would have been better, please don't take that lightly. THis place was scary, nothing like my lovely posh haven of hip, Beauty Fetish.
SHe had six boutiques and none of them were in real working condition. Like the chairs was on the pole crooked in one, glass was broke in the mirror in the other and so on. But the real issue was HER. She looked like (and turned out to be too) a church ursher -not usher, ursher_ at a COGIC church. Yep. I got hosed Davey I got hosed.
She said she was giving me a mizani relaxer, but I didn't see one Mizani bottle in there that wasn't from their 1985 promotions. I mean i was ready to bounce if Phil hadn't dropped my ass offf in the Barrio of El Paso. She was a good 255lbs in a moo moo and had more gel in her hair than in her vintage styling bottles. Pray for me ya'll. Anyway she tops off this ethnic experience by dumping grease, gel and spritz in my head to create in her eyes a classy do for a classy girl.
Now I can go audition for Soul Glow commercials and make grease spots on unsuspecting upholstery.
***Adriane and Sharunda I need you, please clear a spot for me when I come to Atlanta for the holidays***
Still stranded in the hear of nowhere.....
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